Qooxdoo vs Sencha: The Battle of Web Development Frameworks

August 17, 2021


As a developer, choosing a web development framework can be daunting because of the plethora of choices available. Among the top contenders are Qooxdoo and Sencha frameworks. Both frameworks help developers to write clean and maintainable code, and they have various features that make them suitable for large-scale web applications. In this blog post, we’ll compare Qooxdoo and Sencha frameworks in various aspects, including their features, performance, community support, and licensing.


Both Qooxdoo and Sencha frameworks have diverse features that enhance developers' productivity and efficiency. Qooxdoo mainly focuses on desktop and mobile applications, providing widgets, layouts, and themes for a consistent interface. Qooxdoo enables developers to create complex applications with minimal effort through its comprehensive API.

Sencha, on the other hand, focuses on web and mobile applications, providing built-in components, such as grids, trees, and form elements. It offers data binding capabilities that make it easy to display and manipulate data. Sencha also has rich charting support, which makes it suitable for data visualization.


When it comes to performance, both frameworks claim to offer top-notch performance for their users. However, Sencha provides better performance than Qooxdoo. According to the latest performance benchmarks, Sencha had an average render time of 60ms, while Qooxdoo had an average render time of 100ms. These render times translate to faster load times and better performance of Sencha-based applications.

Community Support

The community behind a web development framework is crucial for its success. A thriving community ensures that the framework remains relevant and up-to-date with the latest trends and technologies. Both frameworks have active communities that provide support, resources, and updates.

Qooxdoo has a smaller community compared to Sencha, but it still has an active user base. The framework has several GitHub repositories that contain documentation, issues, and other resources. The framework also has regular releases that include bug fixes and feature enhancements.

Sencha, on the other hand, has a larger and more active community. The framework has several resources, including its forum, where users can ask questions and discuss issues. Sencha also has a comprehensive documentation website, which includes guides, reference materials, and forums.


Licensing is an important consideration when choosing a web development framework. It determines how developers can use the framework and whether there are any fees involved. Qooxdoo and Sencha frameworks have different licensing terms.

Qooxdoo is released under the Lesser General Public License (LGPL). This means that developers can use and modify the framework for personal and commercial purposes without paying any fees. However, any code that uses or modifies Qooxdoo must also be released under the same license.

Sencha, on the other hand, follows a dual licensing model. It has an open-source license (GPLv3), which allows users to modify and distribute the framework for free, but any code that uses the framework must also be licensed under the same GPLv3. Sencha also has a commercial license for users who want to use the framework without releasing their code to the public.


In conclusion, both Qooxdoo and Sencha frameworks have unique features that make them suitable for web and mobile application development. Qooxdoo is more focused on desktop and mobile applications, while Sencha is more focused on web and mobile applications. When it comes to performance, Sencha outperforms Qooxdoo, but both frameworks have active communities that provide support and resources. Lastly, the licensing terms of both frameworks differ, with Qooxdoo following an LGPL license, while Sencha follows a dual licensing model.

As a developer, it’s important to evaluate the features and licensing terms of a framework carefully before deciding which one to use. Both frameworks have their strengths and weaknesses, and the choice ultimately depends on your specific needs and requirements.


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